Our Mission

We are bridging the gap between you and the water - one dock inspection at a time.

Dock inspections are crucial for SO many reasons!

  1. Safety: Dock inspections help identify potential liabilities to you, your property and your budget. Regular inspections can detect issues such as structural damage, corrosion, loose bolts or fasteners, and faulty electrical systems that may pose risks to people & watercraft both on your property and in our local waterways.

  2. Compliance: Inspections ensure that docks and other marine infrastructure meet regulatory and industry standards. Non-compliance can result in fines, penalties, and legal liabilities. Let’s not forget the often overlooked cost of obtaining a new permit!

  3. Maintenance: Inspections identify maintenance needs that protect your assets and prevent costly repairs. Early identification of these needs can prevent further damage, costly permits and additional repairs.

  4. Efficiency: Regular dock inspections can prevent delays and downtime caused by unexpected repairs and maintenance. A well-maintained dock can also add up to a 20% value to your biggest asset!

  5. Erosion Control: Don’t stop at your dock and forget the benefit of caring for the property behind the critical area! We can assess the condition or potential need for erosion control so your house isn’t at risk during king tides, floods and hurricanes.

Overall, dock inspections are essential for ensuring safe and efficient access to your waterway, protecting the environment, complying with regulations and industry standards and ensuring you get the most out of your waterfront investment!

When should I ask for an inspection & what should I expect?

A dock inspection should always be completed prior to buying (or selling) a home. This is so you understand the condition and value the waterfront structure may or may not bring to the table.

We stand apart from traditional home inspectors. Our team has over 40+ years of combined experience building docks in the Lowcountry that allows us the opportunity to provide not only the condition of the dock, but also an accurate estimate on repairs, life span and the options for amending the structure to custom fit your needs. Our resources and knowledge make us experts in the industry and the only place to turn for your dock inspection.

Once you acquire your new home, marine structures should be inspected yearly for maintenance assessments. Sign up today for annual inspections with free coordination for any repairs necessary. Don’t wait until it is too late to protect your dock and your property!